Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Easiest Word: Countdown #47

I'm about to discuss the only part of this week's Countdown that I paid any attention to (and only because it severely pissed us off here at the J.O.B. offices). I'm not moved to writing by that cheesy cover[1], or the other subplots (Super Jimmy Olsen Must Die, The Monitors Who Don't Like Ex-Teen Titans Who've Died, etc.).

If you need to be warned that spoilers are coming, and somehow weren't already spoiled by the post title above, you may not be adversely affected by reading further--English isn't your bag.


Apparently, the first big reveal so far in Countdown is that henceforth, Billy Batson's magic word will be Hazam. Solomon was apparently slain somewhere during the last month of 52, or he was still recovering from a 10-day Ecstasy binge with Power Girl and was unavailable for consultation when "Lord of Magic" Captain Marvel dropped Black Adam by changing his personal "magic word".


From the start of his epic-length (3 issues!)sitdown with wayward Mary Marvel, it's obvious Black Adam has somehow hacked Captain Marvel's encyrption of his personal Shazam Hazam password, thus unblocking his firewalled powers. How could this happen? Captain Marvel would tell no one the new word (during 52), and guaranteed that "he (Adam) would never guess" what the word was. So of course Adam figured it out in seconds[2].

Sorry. Are you serious?

Captain Marvel, you gigantic putz. Millions of words to chose from in any number of languages, including ones you could just make up, and you choose sorry?! Good use of the Wisdom of Solomon, genius.
He'd never suspect you of irony, ya Big Red Retard.

[1]Though Ed Benes' redrawn Vampirella fan-sketch cover did inspire several readers (including A.J.) to ask, "Does Mary Marvel nail Black Adam to get her powers back?" Personally, I angled for the "Black Adam's kinky Lightning Necklace" gag. But I'm a reprobate.

[2]... and then he somehow easily changed it back to "Shazam"? Go back and re-read it. Adam's back to the old school lingo to call down the thunder and give his Black Adam-ness to Hot Topic Marvel. It sure seemed like it was a really big deal for the Lord of Magic (Cap Marvel) to change said magic word the first time. Now it seems more like Cap hacked Adam's MySpace page for a little while.


Allen said...

So of course Adam figured it out in seconds.

To be somewhat fair, it could have taken upwards of a year for Adam to guess it, given that the end of 52 took place a year ago.

Regardless: that's a pretty stupid plot point.

Tim said...

Waitaminnit--I don't think Countdown's starting a year after the end of 52, is it?

I was under the impression that while indeterminate, the gap between 52 and Countdown wasn't wide at all.

And either way, we're not here to be fair. ;)

Allen said...

Nope, the end of 52 was the beginning of One Year Later...which was, at this point, a year ago.

And people say superhero comics are inaccessible to new readers.

Tim said...

Not to engage in geek-snippery, but I don't think the DC OYL books are running in real time like 52 was. I'd think Countdown began about 2-3 months after 52 ended (which would still mean Adam didn't just figure it out in an afternoon). Let's get some DC clarification on this point.

Allen said...

Yeah, I know they're not necessarily real-time, but I got the impression a decent amount of time had passed. I think you're right -- we need Didio to weigh in here. You got his number?