Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Coupl'a Quick Links

Two links you've probably seen before if you're at all part of the comics blogosphere, but these seemed like bits and pieces you should know about anyway:

Occasional Superheroine gets tells us exactly what it is the current DC editorial crew is doing wrong with their "Everything Ties Into Countdown" mentality. It's funny -- a year ago, I thought DC was doing a great job with most of their line post-Infinite Crisis; now, it feels like most of their line's a big ol' mess. I'd imagine that most of those perceptions are due to the uber-series providing the throughline through the universe: 52 was generally accepted as being done well, so DC as a whole had a bit more of a positive gleam to it, but since Countdown seems to be about as well loved as O.J. Simpson, DC's books in toto seem mired in poo. I'll be really curious to see what effect Final Crisis has on the perceptions of DC's books as much as on the DCU itself.

Also, OS gave me something else I might have chew on more later: during the Paul Levitz era, DC did a good job of staying off of Time Warner corporate's radar. Dan Didio doesn't seem to think that's a priority, and his willingness to piss people off might lead him to pissing off the wrong people: his corporate overlords. Maybe nothing will ever happen on that front, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.

Project Rooftop has kicked off a Redesign Bart Allen meme to memorialize the late Mike Wieringo. I think that's a fantastic idea, and I encourage any of you with artistic leanings who feel up to the challenge to go throw your speediest hat into Dean and Chris's ring.

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