Friday, August 3, 2007

Friday Night Fights: Election Update!

Remember when Superman/Batman was fun? Remember when it was The Book To Get for Superman or Batman?

Yeah, I didn't either until I decided to do a Random Friday Night Fight and blindly unearthed Superman/Batman #6.

Superman gives (soon to be ex-) President Luthor a quick civics lesson: that there's a fourth branch of government. The Kryptonian Knuckle Sandwich Branch.

The Last Son of Krypton didn't vote for you, Lexy, and he doesn't give a damn about your hanging Chads.

Class dismissed! Don't forget to study up on Bahlactus for Monday...

Superman/Batman #6 by Jeph "The Executive" Loeb, Ed "The Legislative" McGuiness, and Dexter "The Judicious One" Vines (2004).


universaladdress said...

Is all that text on the side about how Superman's not going to really kick an elected Luthor out of office? If so, LAAAAAAAME.

Tim said...

Not too lame, but maybe too long. He's basically saying that he wont interfere with democracy and people's freedom of choice. Even if he doesn't agree.

If you or I had written that scene, I doubt if Superman would've babbled on like that. Especially not over that kick-ass punch. But we didn't, so we're stuck with it.

Tim said...

Oh, and thanks for taking a look!